By Decree of January 11, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development approved the national
quantitative targets for energy savings to be achieved by electricity and natural gas distribution
companies for the years 2017 to 2020 through the White Certificate mechanism and established the
criteria, conditions and ways of implementing energy efficiency projects in the final use of access
to the same mechanism.
For each of the years covered by the reference period, pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1 of the
aforementioned Decree, those distributors of the electricity and natural gas who, at the date of
December 31, two years prior to each obligation, have more than 50,000 final customers connected
to their distribution network will be subject to the said obligations.
With the same Decree, the Ministry of Economic Development has also updated, pursuant to Article 7,
paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree of 4 July 2014, no. 102, the Guidelines for the preparation,
implementation and evaluation of energy efficiency projects and the definition of the criteria and
modalities for the issue of TEEs.
GME is the venue for TEE negotiation and has set up the Market Operation Rules, adopted by ARERA’s resolution of April 14, 2005, no. 67/05, subsequently amended and supplemented and finally approved with resolution