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TEE market - how to operate

How to operate

On October 6, 2015 it was held the first market session involving GME as the central counterparty for all transactions in the market for energy efficiency certificates. The qualification of the central counterparty taken by GME eliminates the counterparty risk and simplifies the administrative requirements arising from participation in the regulated market.

At the end of each market session

  • sellers will have to issue a single invoice to the buyer GME;
  • gli acquirenti riceveranno un’unica fattura dal GME.

Market Sessions

Article 24, para. 24.3 of the Rules of the Energy Efficiency Certificates Market provides that "The trading sessions shall take place at least once a month, beginning on the date published on GME’s website"and the subsequent paragraph 24.4 provides that "the days and hours of the market trading sessions are published on the GME's website".

GME has thus decided to organize the market sessions on:

September 2024 10 - 24
October 2024 8 - 29
November 2024 5 - 12 - 19 - 26
December 2024 3 - 17

from 9:00 to 12:00.

Rules of Operation of MTEE


In order to be entitled to purchase TEE in a market session, each participant shall pay an amount in cash as a non-interest-bearing deposit, which shall cover the total value of transactions to be carried out on the market, including VAT (where chargeable).

The deposit shall be made by bank transfer to Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A., account no. 000007250X76, with the bank in charge of its treasury services, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Società Cooperativa per Azioni, Viale Cesare Pavese, 336 - 00144 – Roma, ABI 05696, CAB 03211, IBAN IT03 S056 9603 2110 0000 7250 X76, CODICE SWIFT POSOIT22, within 12:00 of the working day preceding the day of opening of the trading session.
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