Regarding the settlement of payments on the MLF, having received the data from the DSO and considering the month "M" as the invoicing period, the period of settlement of economic items related to the MLF is:
- the following month "M+1" for energy subject to delivery on the MLP-Flex and for energy attributed by GME;
- the same month "M" for the quantity of capacity actually made available.
GME shall determine, for each Market Participant, the net position (debtor or creditor) towards GME itself (net to be paid), on the basis of the amounts, including VAT where applicable, related to the invoices issued and received by GME referred to the same invoicing period.
Settlement on the MLF requires Market Participants to settle their net debit items within 12:30 of the fifteenth working day of the month in which the communication of the net balance to be settled has occurred, through an urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent with value date on the same day.
After receiving invoices, GME makes payments to all of its net creditors, via urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent with value date on the same day, on the sixteenth working day of the month in which the communication of the net balance to be settle has taken place.
The cycle of financial settlement of payments via urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent is carried out, by way of example, according to the following standard timing:
Debtor Market Participants failing to pay the amount due within 12:30 of the fifteenth working day of the month in which the communication of the net balance to be settled has occurred, may transfer, no later than 4 p.m. of the third working day following the payment deadline, the due amount, increased by default interest and a penalty, through an urgent SEPA Credit Transfer or equivalent.
All payments settled by Market Participants through urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent must be made, using the bank details previously communicated to GME (by sending the appropriate form - signed by the person with the necessary powers of representation and submitted to GME), to the following GME’s bank details:
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN IT58 E056 9603 2110 0000 7210 X36
If GME, by its own fault, makes payments beyond the established deadlines, it will pay interest to creditor Market Participants by applying the pro tempore legal interest rate in force.