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transparent company - checks and surveys on the company - control body performing Independent Supervisory Body functions update as of 04/07/2024
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The Company - in compliance with the provisions of the ANAC Resolution 236/2017 - identified the GME’s Person in charge of Corruption Prevention as the party with functions similar to the Independent Supervisory Body to make this declaration.

Archive - 2023 Published Weight

Certification of the party with functions similar to the
Independent Supervisory Body (Italian version only)

12/07/2023 296 kb

Archive - 2022 Published Weight

Certification of the party with functions similar to the
Independent Supervisory Body (Italian version only)

16/06/2022 573 kb

Survey grid (Italian version only)

16/06/2022 178 kb

Summary sheet (Italian version only)

16/06/2022 137 kb

Archive - 2021 Published Weight

Certification of the party with functions similar to the
Independent Supervisory Body (Italian version only)

14/06/2021 227 kb

Survey grid (Italian version only)

14/06/2021 412 kb

Summary sheet (Italian version only)

14/06/2021 140 kb

Archive - 2020 Published Weight

Certification of the party with functions similar to the
Independent Supervisory Body (Italian version only)

13/07/2020 1.26 mb

Survey grid (Italian version only)

13/07/2020 118 kb

Summary sheet (Italian version only)

13/07/2020 55.4 kb

Archive - 2019 Published Weight

Certification of the party with functions similar to the
Independent Supervisory Body (Italian version only)

19/04/2018 399 kb

Survey grid (Italian version only)

18/04/2019 141 kb

Summary sheet (Italian version only)

18/04/2019 57 kb


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