
24 Mar 2022
Privileged Information Platform (PIP) - participant tests for XML schemas withdrawal

In order to ensure full compliance of the PIP Platform with the technical standards for the IIPs indicated by ACER in the relevant documentation, GME will proceed, starting from 1 June 2022, with the IT adaptation of the platform to the new requirements, providing for the complete migration of the RSS Feeds to the REMITUMMElectricitySchema_V2.xsd and REMITUMMGasSchema_V2.xsd schemas and the simultaneous discontinuation of the respective V1 versions.

The new features, which will be made available on the testing platform starting from 30 March 2022, have been incorporated in the updated version of the User Manual and of the Implementation Guide both available as attachments to this news.

Please, remember that registration to the testing platform, if not already carried out, must be requested by filling in the form available at the following link:

For any further information, please contact us at the address

User Manual
Implementation Guide

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A.
Sole Shareholder: Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A., as per art. 5, Legislative Decree 79/99
Company subject to the management and coordination of Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A.
Share Capital: € 7,500,000.00 fully paid up
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Rome Companies' Register, VAT and Taxpayer's Code: 06208031002 Rome Economic and Administrative Index: 953866