
26 May 2023
Phone scams

Following some reports received by telephone and email to Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. ("GME"), it seems that these telephone calls are made by a supposed "GME Office" and/or so-called GME operators, regarding proposals to change the electricity and/or gas supplier due to increases in cost of energy, not properly specified, or problems in the current supply, which were followed, in some cases, by emails with similar content.

It should be remembered that GME is completely unrelated to the event mentioned above. We would like to clearly state that we do not provide, in any way, commercial services such as those described above. Furthermore, we do not use communication methods with our clients such as those outlined above.

When in doubt, we always suggest to make sure of the above by contacting your current electricity and/or gas supplier according to the contact methods made available by the same. In any case, we suggest to avoid any possible follow up about proposals such as those highlighted above, in order not to face any unpleasant inconveniences.

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A.
Sole Shareholder: Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A., as per art. 5, Legislative Decree 79/99
Company subject to the management and coordination of Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A.
Share Capital: € 7,500,000.00 fully paid up
Registered Office - Viale Maresciallo Pilsudski, 122/124, 00197 Rome +39-06-80121, fax no. +39-06-80124524, email:
Rome Companies' Register, VAT and Taxpayer's Code: 06208031002 Rome Economic and Administrative Index: 953866